BPK 140 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reaction Formation, Schizophrenia, Homeostasis

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Of deaths in canada are due to ______ and ______________ _______ cancer, cardiovascular disease. Belief in your ability to accomplish a goal is your ____________ self-efficacy. A sound ____ in a sound ____ is a short but full description of a happy state in this world mind, body. What are the aspects of psychosocial health? mental and emotional health, social and spiritual health. Depression is associated with an imbalance of the neurotransmitter ________ serotonin. According to erik erikson"s theory of development, what is the main conflict adolescents face? identity vs. role/identity confusion/diffusion. _____________ is a brain disease and of one the most deliberating mental disorders. It profoundly impairs an individual"s sense of reality, symptoms include delusions and hallucinations. _______ disorders are the most common form of mental illness. What are the last two stages of the general adaptation syndrome? resistance and exhaustion.