BPK 140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mood Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa

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Specific adaptation to imposed demand: explain progressive overload according to the fitt principle. Progressive overload is defined as where progressively increased according to the fitt principle. You can"t lift as much as you did before. You are in persistent pain, especially in or around a joint. Obtain a medical evaluation if you"re over 35 and have been mostly sedentary. Increase your activity level gradually, not at once. After warm up, do gentle movements and then mobilization exercises. Compulsive tendencies: name 6 benefits of exercising. Disease prevention and managements: cvd, some cancers (colon or breast), osteoporosis, type two diabetes. Psychological benefits (like decreases depression and or anxiety, improves self confidence and self-esteem) Improved work performance, mobility, and ability in present and later life. Improved immune function, sleep, sex life, and longevity: differentiate between exercise and physical activity. Diverse physiological effects of diet it is complex. Importance and foods and diet patterns eating is important, and a variety is important too.