[BPK 140] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (148 pages long!)

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Chapter 1: model is a representation of something, so a model of health means that it"s a representation of health [absence of health, compare and contrast. Medical model forming diagnosis to symptoms of a disorder; physicians = expert, patients = victims [absence of health] Risk factor model individual has power to reduce risks/chances in catching disease. Wellness model awareness, education, personal growth; process of trying to do the best within circumstances: 3 values of risk factor model: Spread knowledge: diarrhea, lung cancer, aids, strokes, diabetes, not only the absence of disease, but having a good balance with physical, mental, social well- being [who def of health, 7 dimensions of wellness. Physical body weight, diet, exercise, signs of symptoms. Emotional stress, sleep, positive, ability to deal with harmful emotions. Occupational unemployed vs employed, harmful working conditions. Environmental housing (big/small, crowded), walking or engaging with activities outside: 3 factors that affect health (other than personal factors)