BPK 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Emulsion, Colorectal Cancer, Coeliac Disease

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Document Summary

Nutrition: sciences of foods and their components: actions within the body, relationships to health & disease, social/ economical/cultural/and psychological implications of eating. Reduce risks of health issues/ healthier choices, take action at population/personal levels, know what nutrients provide us energy. 200 food decisions a day: about how you eat overall, determines what nutrient consumed. 40+ essential nutrients to stay healthy (some in fortified food: consumed outside of body. Calories: (energy) a diet contains is the primary nutritional predictor of body weight: important to choose nutrient dense foods. Cultural and societal norms (what other people eat) Carbohydrates (quick energy source: sugars, starches, fibre. Lipids aka fats (long energy source: cholesterol, saturated fats, unsaturated fats. Minerals: ex: iron needed in blood to carry hemoglobin, calcium needed in bones. Energy (kilocalories: fats (9kcal/g, carbohydrates (4kcal/g, protein (4kcal/g) Body structure: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and water. Non- essential nutrients that are beneficial to health.