Nursing PSY113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Skeptical Movement, Psy, Determinism

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Determinism the fa(cid:272)t that (cid:449)e (cid:373)utuall(cid:455) i(cid:374)flue(cid:374)(cid:272)e ea(cid:272)h othe(cid:396)"s (cid:271)eha(cid:448)io(cid:396). It"s esse(cid:374)tial to disti(cid:374)guish s(cid:272)ie(cid:374)tifi(cid:272) (cid:272)lai(cid:373)s f(cid:396)o(cid:373) metaphysical claims: asse(cid:396)tio(cid:374)s a(cid:271)out the (cid:449)o(cid:396)ld that (cid:449)e (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t test: existence of god, soul, afterlife, good scientists are keenly aware that they might be mistaken. Psychological pseudoscience: times, scientific american mind, and discover magazines and other media outlets that present high-quality information regarding scientific psychology, pseudoscience: a set of (cid:272)lai(cid:373)s that see(cid:373)s s(cid:272)ie(cid:374)tifi(cid:272) (cid:271)ut is(cid:374)"t. I(cid:374) pa(cid:396)ti(cid:272)ula(cid:396), pseudos(cid:272)ie(cid:374)(cid:272)e la(cid:272)ks the safegua(cid:396)ds against confirmation bias and belief perseverance that characterize science: we can test pseudoscientific claims, we cannot test metaphysical claims. Warning signs of pseudoscience: ad hoc immunizing hypothesis: an escape hatch or loophole that defenders of a theory use to protect this theory from being disproven, lack of self-correction: many scientific claims turn out to be wrong. Most pseudoscientific claims never go away or get updated after new data: overreliance of anecdotes: (cid:862)plu(cid:396)al of a(cid:374)e(cid:272)dotes is(cid:374)"t a fa(cid:272)t(cid:863).