SWP 201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 75 pages long!)

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Anti-racist approach: understand history & white supremacy= important, new racism: cultural competency= make whiteness standard. : cultural sensitivity= silence, no one talked about it. : diversity management=against those who speak against institutional racism: canadians cling to this belief that they are tolerant and not racist because they are more. G) diverse (compare themselves to the u. s: this denial manifests itself into social work through discourses of diversity and cultural competence. The emergence of anti-racism in canadian social work: anti-black racism which refers to racism specifically targeted at black people and how to resistance to this racism. It is an umbrella term (includes feminism, marxism, anti-racism)- but it might equate various forms of oppression as one and the same. In a-o personal problems are seen as political problems racialized: a-o averts from speaking about racism in canadian society does not help with the lower positioning of racialized workers who raise issues of racism.