SOC 885 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Commodity Fetishism, Haute Couture, High Culture

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Different types of culture folk culture :smaller groups, consist of shared values, people who live and work together, socially identified group. mass culture: non visual world, diamond rings (recent) , quantity over quality. depend on electronic, High culture or c: museum, classical music, couture fashion. Three typical reactions to popular culture (pc) we want to think beyond: Unconscious consumption (unaware and therefore open to manipulation). Cynical consumption (i know this is trash, but i like it anyway). Illustrate the relationship between broad social change and waning, emerging, or thriving forms of popular culture. Show the struggles and resistances which shape popular culture. Help us de-naturalize ideology, by turning us to formative historical processes. Culture industry thesis: at the social level, democracy (power of the people) is reduced to consumerism (people can only act as consumers buying products they have been trained to want). And the capacity for critical thinking is reduced to one-dimension.