SOC 885 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kabbalah, Study Circle, Ihsan

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22 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Dars/ halagah: dars is the arabic word for study and halagah is a study circle. They are occasions for religious lessons, generally with a trained leader, leaving plenty of time for questions, debate and discussion. The women and men were not segregated but prayed together. This was not the norm in muslim religion. Well more so culture, because there is not proof in islam that shows any segregation between men and women during worship. Prayers are usually led my imams in the mosque or men at home or wherever else a group of people may pray. So having a woman lead the prayer stirred up a lot of controversy. -haddad and smith. Rrawa: revolutionary association of the women of afghanistan. Muslim or afghani women were yoked to reference to the taliban. They referred to these women as victims-fleeing afghanistan, being oppressed by the taliban, or resisting the taliban.