SOC 808 Study Guide - Final Guide: Food Systems, Stock Exchange, Overnutrition

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5 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Week 2 the food system: two food revolutions, first food revolution 1500 bc, second food revolution wwii present. Causes of new food system: state-led agriculture, trade liberation. International trade: become more dependent on imports and exports. If we want our food to be strong we need diversity. If the market and economy is free to do what they want it will allow individual freedom as well etc: the market does not see that, ethnicity, class, race, etc, neoliberalism started in the 60s and 70s. Liberalism: the market and economy should exist but the government should make the final decisions. Liberalism: decisions are made on behalf of the group. If the economy is left alone it will benefit us the most. Neoliberal core ideas: deregulation, little obstacles as possible to get rich. In north america will have to increase food production by 30: 2050: there will be 9 billion, africa 300%, population supposed to increase the most.