SOC 808 Study Guide - Final Guide: Food Systems, Consumerism, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

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First revolution: homoerectus began to move from their african home about 1. 5 million years ago, gathering and hunting, no surlpus --> domestication of animals and plants. Building homes - making clothes - people started to specialize in other industries: stratification (hierarchy - different things are valued more in community) * ex. Warriors are valued the most in the community - they became the decision making for the surplus: state functions (warriors became the decision makers for the everyone else, population went from 4 million to 100 million. This changed how we eat food and how we get it. People lived during the tropic time - more access to food. Tropic areas - small community - main priority - to gather food and survive. Surplus -->; an excess of production or supply over demand. *this is the most important part of the history - if it wasn"t domesticating animals and plants - we wouldn"t be where we are now.