SOC 633- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Biological sex- is defined as the scientific and biological parameters of male/maleness or female/femaleness. Gender- a social construct and differences between men and women are culturally based not biologically based (i. e. masculinity and femininity) Gender identity- refers to a sense of self as either being male, female, boy or girl. Sexuality- refers to reproduction, sexual pleasure, need for love, and personal fulfilment. It includes our awareness of our maleness and femaleness. Examples: feelings such as femininity, masculinity, desire, satisfaction, love, loss, intimacy etc. Sexual orientation- refers to who we are attracted to and who we have sex with. Transgendered- an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from their birth sex. Two spirited- refers to a person whose body houses a female and a male spirit. Sexual orientation: who you are attracted to (attracted to women/attracted to men) Sex is a social experience grounded in interpersonal relations. Sex is a product of both individual and social factors.