SOC 605 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Socialist Feminism, Matrilocal Residence, Nuclear Family

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30 Nov 2016

Document Summary

People were understood to be related through blood or legal ties: define nuclear families, extended families, patriarchy, matriarchy, patrenlinegliage, matrilingelan, patrelocal, matrilocal, poligemy, poliangry, Nuclear families= household with only parents & their children. Extended families= at least 3 generations living together in one household. Patriarchy= social or family system giving men more authority than women. Matriarchy= family system that gives women more authority than men. Matrilineal= kin groups from the females side. Patrilineal= kin groups from the males side. Polygamy= practice of having more than one spouse at a time. Matrilocal= social pattern that requires the groom to live with the brides family or in her community. Fewer unwanted babies are born (birth control, abortion) Women can now raise kids on their own. Nowadays, adoption is expensive and not many white new born. Smaller families, with only 1 or 2 kids versus 3-5 kids. Infertile couples will pay for treatment rather than adopt.