SOC 475 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neoliberalism, Panopticon, Powdered Milk

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5 Dec 2017

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Lesbian existence also falls under this category*** Compulsory heterosexuality is enforced by a system of laws, economics, and public policy: lesbian continuum, the term is to include a range through each woman"s life and through history of women identified experiences. This is not simply the fact that a woman has had or consciously desired genital sexual experiences with another woman: woman who resist male dominance or who organize their lives in important ways around woman. Rich draws a sharp distinction between lesbian existence and male homosexuality. The understanding that men either straight or gay retain gender power. However women whether straight or lesbian are subordinate to men: adrienne rich assumes that heterosexuality is socially imposed. It is a result of diverse social practices that give meaning to human activities: queer theory, it is a general theory of sexuality and contests idea of core homosexual identity.