SOC 470 Study Guide - Final Guide: Housing Tenure, Lawrence Heights, Gentrification

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1 Nov 2017

Document Summary

40 multiple choice + 20 true and false: since the mid-term, everything has been looked at from an urban political economy view, and unequal power relations in society. Neoliberalism: the whole phenomenon of neoliberalism is this switchover to the benefit of the market, businesses, and capitalism. In the neoliberalism context since the 80s up until where we are now, is that there is less government involvement, and less social services made by government. The government is more in favour of elite stakeholders. Neoliberalism creates inequalities, and is positioned as taking away all the benefits that people had after ww2. In terms of housing, neoliberalism means less government housing (week 7: neoliberalism makes toronto a difficult city for those who are disadvantaged like immigrants. In terms of income disparity it is harder for immigrants and lower class (week 8) Public housing: there are no new public housing units.