SOC 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Laura Mulvey, Social Fact, Performativity

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28 Apr 2021

Document Summary

Introduces elements into individual consciousness that would not otherwise appear there, but will not be rejected by consciousness because they are so commonly shared in the cultural community. Requires that ideological assertions become self-evident cultural assumptions. Depends on subordinated peoples accepting the dominant ideology as. Hegemony can easily go undetected: hegemony implies a willing agreement by people to be governed by principles, rules, and laws they believe operate in their best interests, even though in actual practice they may not. Seeing our lives in the lives of others; privilege, shared experience, difference. See both the past and the present: a sociological imagination allows us to see the strange in the familiar . Giving up the idea that human behavior is simply a matter of what people decide to do. Social experiences can shape how we understand others. Low: what we know now as pop culture has traditionally been considered in opposition to and less valuable as high culture.