[SOC 104] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 33 pages long Study Guide!

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Ontology + epistemology (how we see the world informs how we know about the world and vice versa) Way of seeing the odd in the familiar (questioning the norm) and the general in the particular (patterns in specific example, big picture) Work of american sociologist in the 50s, c. wright mills. Professor at columbia until he died, got his degree at university of texas. Wrote dozens of articles + books on sociology, including the sociological imagination. About: being able to identify + understand the connections that exist between individual. About: being able to identify + understand the connections that exist between biography + history. Adopting soc. imagi(cid:374)atio(cid:374) does(cid:374)"t (cid:373)ea(cid:374) your (cid:374)egati(cid:374)g i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual choice (cid:894)age(cid:374)cy(cid:895) sociology celebrates human agency; is about the dynamic tension between agency and structure recognizes that individual choice is shaped by larger social structures + forces. Theory + paradigm theory is a statement about how and why specific facts are related; seek causal relationships.