SSH 301- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Is always an expression and product of relations of power. Comprises multiple elements and processes, such as: assumptions regarding the nature of reality and the researcher"s perception of reality, theoretical framework, methods of data collection, analysis, dissemination, use. What is theory: an explanation of observed regularities or patterns. Components of a theory: definitions, descriptions of the phenomena of interest, relational statements. Researchers are people and do not exist outside of the social worlds and web of social relations they attempt to describe and explain. Researchers bring their social locations, values, assumptions, beliefs to the research. Critiques of research from indigenous perspectives (cid:498))ndigenous peoples [ ] have experienced unrelenting research of a profoundly exploitative nature(cid:499) (smith 1999, 42) Research has been complicit in colonization, racialization, othering, dehumanizing, marginalization. Essentializing and freezing indigenous peoples in the past. Denying indigenous peoples agency as researchers and knowledge holders. Researchers analyze, interpret and report data without consent, approval, review or input by indigenous participants.