SSH 105 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Slippery Slope, Begging, Hasty Generalization

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I know i forgot to deposit the cheque in the bank yesterday, but nothing i do pleases you . Straw man: distorting, weakening, or over-simplifying someone"s position so that it will seem less acceptable. The gov"t doesn"t support the poor because it doesn"t have a tax specifically to support them. Fallacy of composition: arguing that what applies to the parts must apply to the whole. That student cheated on his exam, therefore they all did. Fallacy of division: arguing that what applies to the whole must apply to the parts. Equivocation: using a word in two different senses in one argument. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Therefore a bird is worth more than president bush. Genetic fallacy: rejecting a claim or argument because of its source. Therefore, you should not buy a new vw because that makes you a nazi.