SSH 105 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Logical Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Critical Thinking

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Final exam outline: practice exercises from textbook (answers on d2l or book, memorize and be able to apply definitions, review all three quizzes carefully. Chapters: intro, truth and rationality, well-formed arguments, strong arguments, reconstructing arguments, details of argument reconstruction, evaluating arguments. Week 1: a few key terms (premise, conclusion, etc. , a definition of critical thinking, the necessary conditions for knowledge. Week 3: two realist models of truth. Correspondence: belief (and disbelief/suspend judgement) degree of confidence. Week 4: two ways that a belief can be unjustified. Failing to weigh evidence properly (3 versions: recognizing arguments and their components (premise, conclusion, inferences, components of standard form. Week 5: deductive arguments: validity / invalidity, five sentential connectives: conjunction, disjunction, negation, conditional, biconditional, eleven valid argument patterns, several invalid patterns. Inductive arguments: cogency/non-cogency: common patterns of cogent arguments, common patterns of non-cogent arguments. Week 8: standard form and why it"s important, principle of charity, techniques for identifying premises and conclusions.