[SSH 105] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (31 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Critical thinking reasonable and reflective thinking aimed a deciding what to believe and what to do; helps obtain knowledge; sensitive on methods and standards. Reasonable demands for reasons; methods/strategies (why do they think; usually good reasons) Reflective connecting problems at different levels; thinking about the right method to solve the current problem. Practical reasoning deciding what to do involves reasoning about what to do, how to do it. Oretical reasoning what to believe about what the facts are. Knowledge has three elements: justified (with proof), truth and belief . Case 1: belief, truth, no proof (not justified) is not knowledge. Sam believes that eating vegetables is good for you, although she has never been unhealthy before, she thinks that because her mom told her. Sam bought a lottery ticket because she"s convinced she will win. She won the lottery but she doesn"t know she won (or studied the results) Case 2: belief, justified, no truth is not knowledge; unlucky.