REM 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: High Standard Manufacturing Company, Musqueam Indian Band, Affidavit

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Rem 300 intro to real estate management chapter 1 evolution of ownership history of land ownership. Land ownership emerged in england in the middle ages. Tenants on crown land gradually obtained rights through legal system. Estates evolved to be a bundle of rights that is associated with land ownership. The most complete bundle of rights is called a fee simple estate fee simple estate. A typical canadian property owner has a fee simple estate. The bundle of rights includes (can use of the property (within legislative confines can"t just do. The bundle of rights is transferred through a legal document called a deed. Another term for bundle of rights is title anything with it), can sell or lease or give away, decides who inherits the property) leasehold estate renting. If a fee simple estate holder wants to lease their property, then they create a leasehold estate using a legal document called a lease.