PSY 606 Study Guide - Final Guide: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder

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Hailey show signs of eating disorder which stage. Most cause with bulimia but not seek help. Since they wont come out to be treated as trails. Since personality stays with age: more caused by genetic predisposition. Persistent pattern of emotions, cognitions and behaviors that results in enduring emotional distress for a person affected and/ or for others and may cause difficulties with work and relationship. Categorical and dimensional models (yes or no) or as a spectrum. Note: they are categorical but some work to make them dimensional. Personality disorder clusters pattern of the five factor model would give different personality disorder. Cluster b: dramatic emotional, erratic (hard to predict) Grouped to clusters depending on how similar the disorders are. Ofte(cid:374) do(cid:374)"t seek help until years of distress. Chronic- can stay since baby to adult (cid:449)e do(cid:374)"t (cid:272)ha(cid:374)ge perso(cid:374)alities. Criterion gender bias- do men and women persist different symptoms. Assessment gender bias- due to the studies and how pscyhologists diagnos.