PSY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cerebral Cortex, Prefrontal Cortex, Twin

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1 an introduction to child development & research methods. Development: study of systemic changes + continuities in an individual (conception-death) 2 major causes: maturation - biological development. Raising children, choosing social policies & understanding human nature = reasons to study. 3 major child temperaments: easy, difficult, slow to warm up. Developmentalists: describe behaviour normative/idiographic, explain behaviour, optimize development. Basic observations about the character of development: continual + cumulative process, holistic process, plasticity, historical/cultural process. Locke - mind of infant is tabula rasa. The baby biographies - charles darwin"s study on evolution & genetics. G stanley hall - founder of developmental psych as a research discipline. Freud - sex + aggression as primary drives. Genome: contains dna + proteins, regulate gene expressions by turning activity on/off. Epigenetics: stable changes in gene expression mediated by environment. Development is combo of nature (biology) and nurture (experience: active vs. Children do active development by attentional patterns, use of language and choice of activities.