PSY 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Major Depressive Disorder, Ethology, Prosocial Behavior

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11 Aug 2014

Document Summary

Emotions is characterized by physiological responses, subjective feelings, cognitions related to those feelings, and the desire to take action. * social smiles social + cognitive development. * feelings of distress that children experience when they are separated or expect to be separated from individuals whom they are emotionally attached to. * it tends to increase from 8 to 13 or 15 months and then begins to decline. * cognitive and verbal ability increases changes in emotion expression. * examples of emotions affected by these cognitive changes. * typical adolescents experience a mild increase in negative emotions and/or a. * minority (15-20%) experience a major increase (clinical depression) decrease in positive emotions. * 3-6 months: probably not much; differentiate but may not understand meaning. * 7-12 months: now they recognize emotions - understand something about the meaning. * most 2-year-olds know the words for the basic emotions. * understand something about the links between events, emotions and actions.