PSY 302- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Historical foundations of the study of child development. **ancient greek: plato & aristotle: agreed: welfare society depends on raising children properly, children are mini adults, plato: self control through discipline (strict, aristotle: approach each child indiv. (relaxed, case by case) - develop knowledge through exp. **later philosophers: john locke & jean jacques rousseau: locke: children = tabula rasa (blank slate) , shape through discipline (strict, rousseau: give kids max amount of freedom (relaxed) What is developmental psychology: eld of study, examine growth, change, stability of behaviour/abilities/physical from conception to death, lifespan approach not just child development. 2: preschool/early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood. Major topical areas: physical development, body, brain, hormones, motor/re exes, cognitive development, memory, decision making, problem solving, intelligence, abstract thinking, psychosocial development, emotions, social, personality, relationships. Nature vs nurture: nature = genetics, nurture = environment, gene environmental effects: how they interact = most imp.