PSY 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mental Model, Child Neglect, The Brady Bunch

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18 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Emotional intelligence: a set of abilities that contribute to competence in the social and emotional domain. Being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration. Identify and understand one"s own and others" feelings. Regulate the expression of emotion in social interactions. The importance of emotional intelligence is reflected in the fact, more than almost any other measure, it predicts how well people do in life, especially in their social lives. Emotion: emotion is characterized by neural and physiological responses, subjective feelings, cognitions related to those feelings, and the desire to take action. Psychologists don"t often agree on the relative importance of key components. There is a small number of core emotions. Eight basic emotions: surprise, interest, joy, rage, fear, disgust, shame, and anguish. Functionalist approach: a theory of emotion, proposed by campos and others, that argues that the basic function of emotions is to promote action toward achieving a goal.