PSY 202 Midterm: PSY 202 Exam 2 Notes

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In boys the oedipus complex is when the boy wants mommy all to himself and kill daddy but fears castration from the father, so the boy abandons his love for mommy and befriends daddy. Chapter 13: social psychology: social psychology is the study of how people influence others" behaviour, beliefs, and attitudes. If we hold an attitude or belief (cognition a) that"s inconsistent with another attitude or belief (cognition b), we can reduce the anxiety resulting from the inconsistency in 3 major ways: change cognition a, change cognition b. In-group bias is the tendency to favour individuals inside our group relative to members outside our group. Increased contact between racial groups is rarely sufficient to reduce prejudice (on its own) In times of stress women rely on their social contacts and nurturing abilities (tend to those around them and to themselves)