[PSY 202] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (40 pages long)

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Lecture 1: chapter 9 - intelligence and iq testing. Through conversation: the way they carry the conversation. Direct influence in childhood: family and friends, environment. Lack of challenges and opportunity to overcome them. (cid:862)i(cid:374)tellige(cid:374)ce is (cid:449)hate(cid:448)er i(cid:374)tellige(cid:374)ces tests (cid:373)easure(cid:863) edward boring, 1923. We do(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:396)eall(cid:455) k(cid:374)o(cid:449) (cid:449)hat i(cid:374)tellige(cid:374)(cid:272)e is. The people who create the tests (white rich men) define the standard which help to justify themselves. (cid:862)i(cid:374)tellige(cid:374)ce is the by-product of se(cid:374)sory capacity. (cid:863) galton. All knowledge begins with our senses; thus people with exceptional sensory abilities acquire more knowledge. Galton ran thousands of tests of sensory abilities! Asked by french government to develop objective psychological test to identify students in needs of special education. Developed first iq test diagnostic tool to measure overall thinking ability) Naming objects, generating meaning of words, drawing from memory, similarities. All of the above tapped into higher mental processes and abstract thinking.