PSY 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ultimate Attribution Error, Aaron T. Beck, Reuptake

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Psy202 final exam review, chapter 12, 13, 15, 16. * stress: pattern of physiological, behavioral, emotional and cognitive responses to real/imagined stimuli. * stressor: stimulus/environment causing a response (the stress); life change in a major life stressor as measured on the social readjustment rating scale, and the top 3 stressors for college students are rape, stds and pregnancy concerns. * daily hassles: small everyday problems that accumulate to become a source of stress; cumulative effect mat be better predictors of well being than major events. * stress as stimuli approach: identifying different types of stressful events and pinpointing the people who show a greater response (ex. university students are more likely to show greater stress towards life events) * sympathetic subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that prepares for action is responsible for physiological responses such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, changes in digestion and sweating.