PSY 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jean Piaget, Twin, Louis Leon Thurstone

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

* intelligence: thinking and acting in ways that are adaptive, ability to solve problems, direct our own thinking, have goals and learn new things from experience. * psychologists can"t agree on a definition and basically say that intelligence is whatever the test measures. * persons with high intelligence showed quicker reaction times and less overall brain activity. * focused on measuring intelligence using the what statistics. * galton said intelligence was heritable, started the eugenics movement (selective breeding for only smart people), first systematic study of intelligence as he conducted sensory and physical tests but they were poor predictors. * louis thurstone found 7 primary mental abilities which correlated but not enough to create a single factor. * cattell said that g was divided into two domains; fluid, which was finding new ways to solve problems, and crystallized, which was accumulative knowledge based on history, and within these was spearman"s 7 abilities.