PSY 105 Midterm: Topics and Written Assignment Guidelines Section 2 Fall 2015

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The psy105 paper is due at 2pm on november 26 th . Psy 105 written assignment fall 2015 make a printed copy. The d2l dropbox is connected automatically to the web-based plagiarism checking programme turnitin. To upload to d2l, go to assessment then dropbox. Papers that are late will receive a late penalty of 10% per day late. No extensions will be granted unless there are documented emergency circumstances that professor vickers is made aware of before the paper is due. Documentation for a late paper should be given to a student"s program within 3 working days of the due date. Your paper should be a 1,300-1,700 word written assignment. A penalty of 5% will be assigned to any paper that is either above or below the acceptable word count range. Include the word count on the title page of your paper. Do not use quotes in your paper.