PSY 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Retina, Optic Chiasm, Subliminal Stimuli

264 views13 pages
3 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Sensation: the process of turning physical input (such as the wavelengths of light) into the electro-chemical language of your nervous system. Perception: the process of assigning meaning to that stimulation. The various lines, angles, and shades of grey in this image provide you with many visual sensations. These sensation do not differ when you see the rabbit from when you see the duck. Visible light forms just one part of the spectrum of electro-magnetic radiation. Wavelength: the distance from one energy peak to another. Visible light corresponds to the wavelength range of 400-700 nanometres. The visible colours from shortest to longest wavelength are violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. White light is a mixture of the colours of the visible spectrum, black is the total absence of light. Intensity: how much energy is transmitted = brightness. Your retina contain light-sensitive receptor cells (sensory neurons called photoreceptors).