PSY 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Slow-Wave Sleep, Occipital Lobe, Parietal Lobe

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Document Summary

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, brain and behaviour. Psychology begins wilhelm wundt (founder of psychology), 1879, first lab experiment in psychology, Developed structuralism e. b tichener (based on wundt"s work) Functionalism: william james: influenced by charles darwin, focused on functions or adaptive purpose of thoughts, feelings, behaviours. Sigmund freud played an important role in psychoanalytic theory (unconscious motives) Behaviourism- john b. watson, b. f. skinner, focused on observable behaviours (classical and operant conditioning came from this), some of these practices were unethical. Humanistic movement, focused on empowering approach to psychology. Cognitivism- jean piaget; ulric neisser, examines the role of mental processes on behaviour. 6 principles of scientific thinking: rival hypothesis, causation, Cannot establish which comes first (x y versus y . Cannot rule out alternative explanations (i. e. , 3rd variable causes: falsifiable claims can be tested and disproved. In a hypothesis worded as, if x, then y X is the predictor or independent variable (iv)