POL 128 Study Guide - Final Guide: Susan Douglas Rubes, Body Image, Externals

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Document Summary

Classical liberalism government should not get involved in economics, rule of law, and freedom of individuals, speech, religion, and free markets. Capitalism ownership of means is made by private individuals free competitive market. Wealth created, lots of wealth but unevenly distributed among people rich get richer. Unions fought for rights politically, i. e. # of hours. Welfare liberal philosophers rethought liberalism (liberty and equality) wanted to redefine what freedom was generally supported constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism and free exercise of religion. You are free if no one can tell you what to do. Green freedom should be seen as the capacity to do something worth doing. Welfare state (taxes) use rich people money for 95% of the poor i. e. education, work, environment. Socialism the french revolution (equality) everyone would share benefits of industrialization. It produces exactly what"s needed for exactly who needs it.