PHL 710 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Un Chien Andalou, Unconscious Mind, Aesthetic Realism

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Midterm study questions: in creative writers and daydreaming , sigmund freud argues that the source of writers" creativity is daydreaming. In discussing freud"s account, take into account the example of bu uel and dali"s un chien andalou, being sure to discuss how well or how poorly freud"s claim helps to explain this film. Freud cites imagination back to childhood and the child"s play of make-believe. In their playing, the child acts out their thoughts, but as you get older, we tend to stop playing. So, rather than expressing our thoughts and imaginations openly, the adult now keep them to himself and fantasizes - creating what we know as daydreams. The daydreamer creates almost an alternate universe in their mind - living out fantasies they lack in their real life. When fantasizing, the motive is to fulfill an unsatisfied wish in your everyday life.