[PCS 581] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (88 pages long)

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Galaxies with large bulges have large black holes. While those with smaller bulges have smaller black holes. Super massive black holes may grow by snacking on other stuff. Black hole gcirs 13e 1300m sun may merge with ours. Object g2 has been skirting it for the last year. Change in wavelength compared to normal value gives radial velocity. Hubble"s law: farther galaxies move away from us faster. 1963: maarten schmidt given an odd radio spectrum, through a telescope looked like a blue star. Looks like a blue star, visible by amateur telescope. If it"s that bright in all directions: 4 trillion suns, or 100 milky ways. Consider one of the fastest, most distant. Is it possible for this object to be moving at. So our equation v x r= c x z doesn"t work at very high redshift. Red shifts = / lab is reliable, but need a new equation for v x r.