OHS 208 Study Guide - Final Guide: Joint Committee, Punch Press, Household-Responsibility System

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Document Summary

100 multiple choice questions, some will be t or f. Several qs on right to participate, committees and representatives. General questions on health and safety committee and purpose (know irs unit 5 material for background info) 3 questions on federal policy committee, know the numbers and how many people you need. Know duties, what these policy committees do and know how complicated it could be. Know duties and powers keep track of numbers of how often they meet, how often they do inspections etc. 8 health and safety rep, other qs on joint committee s. 9. How many do you need for a committee, construction projects etc. 2 qs on recommendations for employers, and what has to happen if they make a recommendation. Right to refuse unsafe work 2 general qs, why do we have and its purpose. Q on section 43 who has unlimited right second stage etc. Pay attention to reassigning worker or someone else to the refused work.