NUR 80A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Inductive Reasoning, Empiricism, Amay

371 views6 pages
19 Oct 2015

Document Summary

* please note: this review and consolidation activity, the type and proportion of questions in each area, as well as total number of questions do not match the fall test. 1: what is inductive reasoning, reasoning based on hunches , reasoning that draws general conclusions based on specific observations (quntitative. The events in the scientific world are predictable (quanti: what is a basic assumption of the naturalistic paradigm, reality is objective (quanti, most events in the natural world have antecedent causes ( quanti) The natural world is not fully known objectively: in which type of nursing research is prediction and control a study purpose, quantitative studies, neither quantitative nor qualitative studies, both quantitative and qualitative studies, qualitative studies. 2 categorical: a sound research hypothesis must be consistent with which of the following, problem statement, review of the literature, theoretical framework, the research abstract a) b) c) d)