NSE 407- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Nursing involvement in health policy and impact on nursing profession. Content: nursing issues and trends, public policy, health policy, nursing involvement in health. Issues should be explored fully and critically assessed in order to challenge pre-conceived views: to articulate an issue fully means to consider the political, historical, social, and economic realities on and through which issues are constructed. What is health policy: health policy is a form of public policy. Institutional policy - policies and procedures governing actions taken in workplaces and vary from institution to institution (e. g. hospital or long term care policies and procedures) Public policy actions taken by government (e. g. action, inaction, decisions, no decision) Deliberate choice and based on a commonly held value, gives direction for action. Health policy an aspect of public policy, includes directives and goals for promoting the health of the public (e. g. provincial health goals, health care system principles, service priorities/accountabilities) Nursing policy governs the actions of the nursing profession.