NSE 13A/B Midterm: NSE13A- Week 1 Objectives

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Jarvis- chapters 1 & 3: describe expectations of students related to professional behaviour, describe the assessment phase of the nursing process and its relation to diagnostic reasoning in clinical judgement. The assessment phase is the collection of data about an individual"s health state. You first start of with collecting and analyzing subjective and objective data. Together with the patient"s record and laboratory studies, these elements form the database. From the database, you make a clinical judgement or diagnosis about the individual"s health state or response to actual health problems or risk factors and life processes, as well as diagnoses about overall levels of wellness. Defn. ability to observe and act according to many different variables. The purpose of assessment is to make a judgement or diagnosis on the basis of data from various sources. Diagnostic reasoning: the process of analyzing health data and drawing conclusions to identity diagnoses is based on the scientific method.