NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nursing Diagnosis, Health Promotion, Nursing Process

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Describe expectations of students related to professional behaviour. As students, expected to abide by the guidelines of academic integrity and maintaining honesty, demonstrating motivation and drive in order to do well in classes and also transferred into practice in the professional environment. Describe the assessment phase of the nursing process and its relation to setting priorities and diagnostic reasoning in clinical judgement and critical thinking. The assessment process consists of gathering data through assessment and health history ( objective and subjective data), clustering data and ultimately coming to a nursing diagnosis and identifying some factors that may be contributing to the health problem. Describe relational practice and trauma-informed practice and how they relate to health assessment. Trauma informed practice: placing priority of individuals safety, empowerment, choice and control and ensuring that individual is removed from traumatic env as to ensure that there will not be a repetition. Identify the association between assessment and evidence-informed practice.