NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Nursing Process, Palpation, Asthma

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Nse 13 fall week 1: critical thinking, relational practice and cultural considerations. Assessment: collection of data about an individual"s health state that is foundational to nursing practice and begins diagnostic reasoning. 2 types of collection of data: subjective data: information that the patient says about themselves during history taking, objective data: information that the nurse observes about the patient during physical examination through inspection, percussion, palpation and auscultation. Diagnostic reasoning: process based on scientific data in which analysis of health data and drawing conclusions are used to make diagnoses (reasoned judgments) of a person"s health status. 4 components: attending to initially available cues (signs or symptoms, formulating diagnostic hypothesis (unconfirmed explanation for a cues, gathering data relative to hypothesis, evaluating hypothesis with new data collected to form a final diagnosis. Identifying assumptions to recognize that you could take information for granted or see it as a fact when there is no evidence.