MUS 105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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Key number one: we went from hunter-gather societies, to. America: island agriculture based on tougher crops to harvest and store, also crops were low on protein so much so that they eat spiders to supplement their diet. Timbre: modern period each half-step on piano contained 100 cents all steps of equal size, our ears eventually adjusted to new sound standard in much of the world due to european. Colonialism: distinctiveness of a particular voice or instrument, tone colour , e. g. harsh, pure, rich, thin, resonant, dull, result of degree to which each harmonic or overtone is present in a given sound. Western art music part-singing, or the group songs of the baaka forest people: two or more voices performing the same basic melody with minor ornamental variations, not common in western music, e. g. Other textures: changing textures: piece moving from monophony to homophony, call and response: sometimes called. Antiphony : drone and melody: e. g. south indian classical.