MHR 711 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stressor, Debriefing, Normal Accidents

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*psychosocial model of health: approach to the study of health that highlights the importance of both the social environment and psychological factors (i. e. family circumstances, social relationships, workplace) contribute to a person"s overall health. Stressor: an objectively verifiable event that occurs outside the individual that has the potential to cause stress. Stress: an individual"s internal response to, or evaluation of, stressors; often characterized by negative feelings of arousal. General adaptation syndrome: the body"s way of gearing up for fight or flight. Moderator: a variable that changes the relationship between two other variables. Risk factor: a variable that increases the negative effects of stress. Buffer: a variable that protects people from the negative effects of stress. Type behaviour: action-emotion complex that can be observed in any person who is aggressively involved in a chronic struggle to achieve increasingly more in less time. Negative affectivity: a dispositional dimension reflecting persistent individual differences in the experience of negative emotion.