MHR 523 Study Guide - Final Guide: Substance Abuse, Workplace Harassment, Stress Management

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March 31, 2016 chapter 14: occupational health and safety- part 2. Chemical hazards: recognizing and controlling health hazards related to hazardous materials and process. Industrial disease: a disease resulting from exposure to a substance relating to a particular process, trade or occupation. Indoor air quality: sick building syndrome (sbs, building related illnesses (bri) Interesting fact: smokers on average miss 6. 16 days of work per year, nearly double the rate of non- smokers. A labour canada study found that employees who smoke cost companies about 500 more per year in increased absenteeism, lost produc2vity, and increased health and insurance premiums. Many org. do not have a plan. Hr will be relied upon to respond to a pandemic: telecommuting, compensation for absent employees, occupational health for onsite employees. Personal crises: marital, family, financial or legal issues. Depression: a negative emotional state marked by feelings of low spirits, gloominess, sadness, and loss of pleasure in daily activity.