MHR 523 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trade Union, Secret Ballot, Bargaining Unit

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When the employer (except in quebec) voluntarily recognize a union as the bargaining agent for a group of its employees b. ii. Usually doesn"t happen, certification would have to occur: union certification summary (2 types) c. i. If there is more than 55% that car sign then the union is automatically put in place c. i. 2. If there is 40-55% card signing then a secret vote is put in place and if more than 50% say yes then a union is put in place c. ii. More than 40% must say yes on card and then a secret vote is put in place, then is 50% or more say yes then the union is certified: for employees d. i. There are no more individual contracts put in place d. ii. Therefore the old contracts are gone and now everyone must follow a collective agreement: for employers e. i. They can no longer give bonuses to individual employees just b/c they are doing better f.