MHR 523 Study Guide - Final Guide: Elementary Arithmetic, Formal Methods, Cultural Literacy

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Chapter 8 orientation vs. training- part 2. The training process: training needs analysis : 3 techniques, task analysis (new employees) a. i. break down job into tasks and skills a. ii. determine where each task and skill is best learned, performance analysis (current employees) b. i. Instructional design: prepare curriculum, ensure that training materials support learning objectives, ensure the quality and effectiveness of program elements d. Traditional training techniques d. i. on-the-job training d. i. 1. d. i. 2. involves having a person learn a job by actually performing it. Save money, and no off-job facilities are needed d. ii. apprenticeship training d. ii. 1. involves having the learner study under the tutelage of a master craftsperson d. ii. 2. Learner becomes a skilled worker through a combination of classroom instructions and on-the-job training d. iii. informal learning d. iii. 1. any learning that occurs in which the learning process is not determined or designed by the organization d. iii. 2. It is quick and simple when training large groups d. vi. audiovisual techniques (cds or dvds) d. vi. 1.