MHR 522 Study Guide - Final Guide: Industrial Democracy, Monopsony, Commodity Fetishism

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20 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Increase minimum wage too much efficiency is significantly reduced. Economic environment: determines relative power and employment outcomes. Technical environment: the nature of production and the organization of work. Includes nonmarket institutions and forces that are not captured elsewhere. Motivation: variability in behaviour not due solely to individual differences in ability or to overwhelming environmental demands that coerce or force action, neoclassical viewpoint a sole drive to maximize individual utility. Personality: an enduring dispositional quality or stable mental state, big 5 extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness to experience, linked to job satisfaction, health, safety, stress on the job, and leadership. Reasons for decline in union density: decrease in traditionally unionized manufacturing industries and increase in traditionally non-union southern employment, demand for union services has decline due to human resources management practices. Introduction of labour laws that weaken the vitality of the labour movement.