MHR 522 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hiring Hall, Scientific Management, Bourgeoisie

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Mhr522-lecture 1: workers association, advocacy groups, political organizations, attempting to get legislations pass. Industry advocacy groups: community groups, women groups, supports equity rights. Industrial citizenship: as workers, you have a say in the way the work place is governed. Key terms and concepts: (exams and tests are heavily based on key terms and concepts, themes: union density, the union advantage. The economy, society & labour relation: maximizes & and the development of capitalism, emile durkheim and the industrialism thesis, max weber and the industrial capitalism thesis. Marx & the development of capitalism: exploitation, surplus value, alienation, labour unions and the states, the crisis tendencies of capitalism. Industrialization and organic solidarity: division of labour is low. Individuals have less sense of belong: class conflict, occurs when people try to reduce the anomie in their life, owners and managers, managers have little to no ownerships in a firm, managers seek efficiency, unions and managers.