LAW 534 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ex-Ante, Handrail, Absolute Liability

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Chapter 2 - started - government regulations of business. Very common statute sets some form of standard of conduct. If an individual breaches the statute, then there is prosecution against the individual for breaching the statute. In a sense, ex post regulations react after the potentially or actual harmful conduct has occurred. Eg. getting a ticket after speeding committed. Attempts to address the anticipated harms proactively, usually through some form of permit or licensing system. Eg. drivers licence needed (trying to prevent an unsafe driver to then anticipate. Eg. put speed regulators in cars which prevents the cars from passing a certain the harm) speed. Eg. having a food inspection, to prevent diseases, harm to occur. Regulation of content of movies (example: obscene material) Ex ante: censors screen movie before released to public. Ex post: free to show movie but may be prosecuted after the fact if it turns out to be obscene.